
Galigeo API Reference

This API provides a set of functions to embed Galigeo Maps into a web page.

Getting started

  1. Download the JS API from https://showroom.galigeo.com/Galigeo/viewer/api/js/galigeo-api-0.1.js
  2. Add it to your web page <script type="text/javascript" src="js/galigeo-api-0.1.js"></script>
  3. Add a map div <div id="ggoMapId"></div>
  4. Start the map
var ggoMap = new Galigeo.Map('ggoMapId',
    id: 'MyMap',
    name: 'Map label',
    apiKey: 'Your API key',
    url: 'https://location/Galigeo'

Check our API samples

Important note if you migrate an on premise version to G22

Since G22, an API key is required to access the API. If you are using a Galigeo on Premise and you don't have the possibility to update the call the map, then you need to set the parameter api_token_required=false in the file $GALIGEO_HOME/config/gaia.properties.

You can get the API key from the licence page of the Galigeo Administration. In case the API key does not show up, ask us to update the licence.

REST API documentation

This document describes the basic usages of the API, REST calls and rights management.

Javascript documentation

The JSDoc list of the Javascript functions used to interact with the map.

Product documentation

Main product documentation.